How to balance work and parenting
A healthy work-life balance is good for your children, your family relationships and you. When you become a parent it brings along a lot of responsibilities. Now a days both the parents are working. And parenting itself is a full- time job. It becomes difficult sometimes for the new parents to adjust and adapt the new job of parenting. Working parents have the pressure to be perfect at work and also as a parent and spouse. Sometimes they feel overworked, stressed and low. Parenting is not easy. But you can make it easier by following these tips: –
- Take time and evaluate-
Take your time and understand how different parts of life are impacting one another and what necessary steps you need to take in order to balance your life happily.
- Time efficiency-
Don’t be distracted by work responsibility and child responsibility. When at work be efficient with your work and don’t stay away from home for overtime. Likewise at home spend quality time with your child avoiding cell phones and other work distractions.
- Plan your weekly schedule-
Scheduling your time helps you to complete your task more efficiently. Map your parenting time with kid’s activities.
- Have time for yourself-
Food and sleep are the basic requirements which need to be fulfilled. Eat well and get enough sleep to be healthy and active to manage everything.
- Let go the guilt-
There are some good days and bad days. May be in some important milestone of your child you may not be there to support and cheer them. Don’t ever have the guilt of it rather than think about the support you are giving to your family.
- Organizing at night-
Get all the necessary things like, arranging bags, clothes to be worn, groceries required in the morning etc. ready at night itself. It will make morning easier.
- Share responsibilities-
Share your daily responsibilities or household chores you’re your partner or other family members. Co-ordinate your schedules and child care arrangements, and divide up household chores.
- Work place support-
Be open with your employer about your parenting. Talk in advance about the leaves and childcare policies at your organization. Have an honest relationship with your employer.
- Dinner table rules-
This should be the time when the whole family sits together. Make sure you don’t watch TV and mobile phone should also be kept away at this time. Talk about your day and share things with kids too.
When you have a good work-life balance, you’re more likely to have the mental and emotional energy to give your children the loving attention they need to develop, learn and thrive.
There is no such thing as perfect parenting so just be the real one. – Sue Atkins