
“The Two Sides of the Parent-Child Relationship: From Despair to Hope

Had a very regular morning today. After sending both the kids to school, I sat down to work. While going through the news, I read about “17 year old committed suicide in Kota.” As I read further, I found out that in the first 20 days alone of year 2025, 4 students in Kota have taken their lives. My heart broke, and I couldn’t help but wonder why these students are driven to such extremes.

I was researching about such news, I tumbled across a story about an “8-year-old boy stuck in an elevator in Faridabad, who stayed calm.” Happened sometime in 2023. This story felt like a ray of hope, bringing a little happiness and peace to my heart. It showed that somewhere, parenting is being done right. When highlighted, such stories can guide and inspire other parents too.

Both these incidents reflect two sides of the parent-child relationship.

My heart aches when I think about what must have been going on in the minds of these 4 students. They must have felt so helpless and lost, with no way out other than ending their lives. They surely must have thought about their parents. Maybe they even tried reaching out, or maybe they didn’t. Perhaps they were trying to avoid their parents’ disappointment or rejection. We will never truly know.

Here, I mention only parents—not the coaching institutes, peers, or society as a whole—because, at the core, every child seeks attention, acceptance, assurance, approval, and acknowledgment from their parents.

Yes, others do play a role. But as long as parents provide unconditional love and unwavering support, the rest doesn’t matter as much. And even if it does, parents are there to guide their child through it.

A simple “I am here for you” can work wonders throughout their lives.

This is probably what the father of that 8-year-old boy told him. He must have said, “If there’s ever a problem, don’t panic. Stay calm. I’ll be there for you. I’ll come and help you.”

That little boy must have felt scared and alone in the elevator and may have even cried. But he calmed down. Why? Because his father’s words stayed with him. He knew his parents were out there and that he didn’t need to worry. He knew he was cared for.

This heartwarming story teaches us such an important lesson. We, as parents, won’t always be physically with our kids, but our words and reassurance will stay with them. Sometimes, children can’t express their needs or struggles. It’s our job to notice their behavior, understand their unspoken words, and keep communicating with them.

A simple “I am here for you. I understand.” is all your child needs to hear.


Here are some tips that are easy to implement and can help ensure a healthy relationship with your child:

1) Hugs and Kisses

I always suggest this to all my clients. Showing affection through gestures like hugging, kissing, holding hands, patting on the back, stroking their hair, sitting shoulder to shoulder, or kissing them good morning and good night is incredibly impactful. Many parents don’t realize how important this is. These small acts of love play a crucial role in building a strong bond and attachment with your kids.

2) Listen Without Judging

Create an environment where your child feels safe to talk to you about anything—no matter the situation or problem. They should not fear being judged, criticized, ridiculed, or made fun of. Parents should be their safe space—the people who are always on their side.

3) Spend Quality Time

We all live in a time where our professional lives take up most of our time and energy. And yes, we work hard for our families. But if your work is causing you to lose your connection with your kids, it’s not worth it. Spending even a small amount of meaningful time with your children can make a big difference. Trust me!

4) Praise Efforts, Not Outcomes

Focus on what your child is doing right. Catch them in those moments and shower them with praise and appreciation. Follow the mantra: “What you praise, you increase.” Let your child know that it’s their hard work, sincerity, and dedication that make you proud and happy. That’s all you expect from them. Since results and outcomes are not in anyone’s hands, why worry about them?

5) Apologize and Admit Mistakes

Teach your children that making mistakes, taking wrong decisions, and failing are all normal and common experiences. Share your own stories of mistakes and failures. Show them that what matters is realizing your mistake and finding ways to fix it. The best way to teach this is by example—apologize when you’re wrong, make amends, and say sorry. Your children will learn how to handle mistakes by observing you, dear parents.


Driving our kids away, away enough that they are not able to reach out to you when they need. That you are not able to hold them when they are falling, is not what should ever happen. And it is really in our hands as parents to ensure that our children know how unconditionally we love them.

I end this note, with a hope that 2025 is the year where we break all the barriers of communication, develop harmonious inter-dependency, gain trust in the relationship that is of Parents and Children. May we never get to read such heartbreaking stories ever again.

Megha Saxena Valvi

Strengths Over Shortcomings: A New Approach to Parenting

Parenthood often feels like tending to a garden—our children grow in their own way, sometimes blossoming in directions we didn’t expect, and not always following the structure we try to provide. They seem to operate on their own wavelength, often not aligning with our thought process and guidance. And let’s not even talk about the things they don’t seem to do well! As parents, we experience so many life lessons that we want to pass on. We naturally wish for them to follow a path paved with happiness and success, and it can be tempting to focus on correcting their weaknesses. But is this always the right approach?

Rather than focusing on what is missing in our children, what if we shifted our attention to what they are good at? Instead of seeing their shortcomings, imagine focusing on their strengths and celebrating their natural talents. What if, instead of saying, “You didn’t do well in math,” we said, “I love how creative you are with your art projects” or “I admire how curious you are about the world around you”?

Acknowledging and appreciating their strengths not only builds confidence but also encourages them to pursue the things that make them feel good about themselves. We often mistake their lack of certain skills as a flaw, but could it be that we are overlooking the brilliance they already possess in other areas?

For instance, some children may struggle with keeping their rooms tidy, but perhaps they have an amazing ability to build, create, or imagine. Think of great minds like Einstein or Zuckerberg—both known for their disorganized workspaces. These messes didn’t hold them back from achieving greatness. By focusing on what’s ‘missing,’ we may unintentionally stifle the creativity and individuality that could lead to remarkable accomplishments.

It’s time we ask ourselves: Are our expectations shaped by our own desires, or are we truly seeing the unique abilities our children have? By appreciating their strengths, we can help them build confidence and resilience. This doesn’t mean we ignore areas where they can improve, but rather, we should create a balance where their self-worth is rooted in their strengths, and their weaknesses are seen as opportunities for growth, not failures.

Parenting is about finding that balance between guidance and freedom. When we shift our focus to appreciating their natural talents, we empower them to take pride in who they are. This approach builds confidence, a growth mindset, and allows them to flourish in ways we might never have imagined. Let’s embrace their individuality, nurture their strengths, and watch them grow into their best selves.




A conversation between grief and happiness
One day over a cup of coffee grief came and sat next to me and said, “Hey how are you? Can you feel my presence? I am there to stay!”
“OK, Sure,” I said with a sigh. “You can stay as long as you want as you have always been my best friend.”
“Really, mocked happiness who has recently become my friend.
Well, the two of my friends over a period of time have now become close contestants to the point wherein I had to choose between the two!!
Consider this. Grief has taken me to all those dark places where no one would ever imagine. But happiness came and at a very challenging time that helped me face the situation with resilience and positivity.
This huge conflict of emotions, made me come to a juncture where I would not want to feel intimated or inhibited by either of my ‘dear’ friends.
Reason was very clear, I felt so comfortable talking to grief that happiness took a toll on me most of the times.
“Stay on”… came the message from grief. But soon happiness took over and said, “move out because I need some space to interact with my friend.”
“Hell, you know humankind is obsessed with grief, they love me, and shield my very existence”, blurted grief.
The conflict came to such a hilt that I had to decide between either of my friends.
And to the dismay of grief, I chose my new friend HAPPINESS.
Disappointed over my decision, grief said, “I introduced you to your feelings first.” Surprised over this, happiness said, “This is where you finish.”
Self opiniated grief said, “I lead the path.” Happiness said, “but I am the destination.”
Grief said, “I will always be your shadow.” Happiness blurted, ” Your shadow ends where I bring sunshine.”
This brawl was pissing me off as grief crawled over my shoulder and said, “I may be creepy, but I last a lifetime.” Happiness smiled and said, “Nothing lasts a lifetime, including life. What on earth are you talking about. You may follow me, but I will destroy you with my light as you reside in darkness.”
This is the state of all humans, wherein each day is a struggle between grief and happiness in our mind.
We all go through this struggle every day, live with it, rich or poor, privileged or underprivileged, whatever the age or gender!
Each time we decide to befriend any one of them, makes us or breaks us in the most spectacular manner we choose it to be.
So, friends, this is a choice that you have to make as both and happiness will extend their hands to connect with you. You have only one life- Be grateful or regretful. It’s your choice that will your life worthwhile or worthlessness.
I chose happiness, and grief keeps asking me every now and then for old times’ sake, “when do we meet again.”
Be very clear about what choices you make in life, cause what you choose becomes your belief, your belief becomes your action and that action carves your path to your ultimate destination.
So, CONTROL, ALT, DELETE all negative emotions before you upload some positive, sincere and transparent emotions.
In this life or next, grief and happiness would always be there to shake hands with you.
The life is yours, the decision you make will make your life the way you want it to be.

What is Reparenting and How to Begin

Our childhood is where the subconscious mind is formed.

It’s also where we learn how we process emotions, what relationships look like, how to hold boundaries, and countless other habits and behaviours.

Ideally, our parents are two different people brought up in different situations who allow their children to be seen and heard as the unique individual they are. The reality is that we live in a culture that does not teach conscious awareness, so most of us are born to unconscious parents.

Unconscious parents are repeating the same habits and patterns they’ve learned. They’re operating from a wounded space because of their own unprocessed emotions.

It’s important to understand that parents can only parent from their own level of awareness.

We can only give others what we have practiced giving ourselves.

Some of you reading this might be thinking “My childhood is over, there’s no reason to go back there.” Or “If my childhood is where I learned most of my coping mechanisms, I’m screwed.”

We tend to be protective and defensive around our childhood experience, but the truth is we have a unique opportunity to heal and consciously choose different behaviour as adults. Regardless of what we have experienced in our past.

This process is called reparenting.

Reparenting is the act of giving yourself what you didn’t receive as a child.

Now, it is time for us to do the best we could with our own evolved level of awareness.

Reparenting is our personal responsibility. Anyone can begin the process of reparenting themselves. It takes time, commitment, and patience. There is no quick fix. It will require you to show up every day. But it will allow you to heal and forgive.

The 4 Pillars of reparenting are:

Discipline, Joy, Emotional Regulation, and Self-care.

Depending on your unique childhood experience, some of these will be more difficult than others. Discipline was the most difficult part when there are unspoken and unresolved tantrums. For example, there was no part of you that wanted to wake up early, or really do anything “planned.” It was a process of grieving for past self as well as self-compassion to allow you to view discipline in another way.

Another major struggle for one would be finding joy. Joy is an emotional experience. It’s the product of spontaneity, play, creativity, and pure presence. Part of discovering joy is learning your own unique passions and interests. This is something I had to spend time connecting to. I had to relearn “me.”

Emotional regulation will take lots of effort when you do parent your kids along with reparenting yourselves. With days and months and years of effort you can achieve it and with consistency it can be carried forward in the life journey.

Self-care starts with loving and accepting ourselves in everything we do and whatever we do. When there is a feel of oneness within oneself this can be felt magical.

Reparenting will bring us so much more confidence, empathy, and creative energy.

Here are 5 Steps to Begin:

  1. Breathe consciously:

It’s easy to become overwhelmed. Reparenting is a process. It’s not something that happens overnight. It’s not something that happens over a couple of months. If you try to do too much of this work at once, you’ll become overwhelmed and fall back into old patterns. Follow the steps, do not try to do too much at once.

  1. Keep one small promise to your yourself every day:

This step should be so small that it’s seemingly insignificant. You need to choose something that sets you into a situation where you’ll succeed. Some good examples are: meditate for 2 minutes, go for a 5-minute walk around the block each morning, cook one meal at home every day, future self-journal each night before bed. Time is important here: do not choose any promise that takes more than 10 minutes in total.

  1. Tell someone you trust (other than your parents) that you’re beginning the process:

do not share that you’re doing this with your parents. It’s not necessary, and can be hurtful to them. Remember, they did the best they could with their level of awareness and will likely become defensive if you talk about this. Reparenting is for you. If you have a partner or a close friend, let them know you’re working on this. Support will be helpful.

  1. Use this Mantra:

“What can I give myself right now?” This is a mantra I use often. As children, we weren’t always given what we needed. As adults we have an opportunity to give what we need to ourselves. When you feel yourself having strong emotions, ask this question. Sometimes the answer for me is to disconnect with social media, or a need to get into the sun for 15 minutes. It’s ok if when you begin asking this question you feel confused or like there is no answer. Just continue asking. It’s a practice of connecting with intuition. If you stay committed, you’ll begin to get answers.

  1. Celebrate when you show up:

if we were not recognized, celebrated, and seen for the unique individual of who we are, we will quickly disregard the reality that we are showing up. Reparenting is difficult. Its soul work. Acknowledge the courage it takes. Own your progress. Celebrate the person you’re becoming.

In the journey of reparenting I am happy that I am becoming a different person and I am happy that I discovered it in the process of parenting. Thanks to my wonderful kid for giving me such a golden opportunity of being a parent.


Exams are times when everyone is scared.
Exams are times when all parents are stressed.
Exams are times when we want results and nothing else matters.
But what you say and do makes a big difference. So! Here are things you should never do during exams.
Never do this during exams
1. Never Demoralise
EFFECT: It will build their confidence and take their fear away
As parents, we unconsciously put our children down especially in front of others. Oh! He/she is useless and lazy and does not want to work at all. Demoralizing children before their exams puts doubts in their minds about their capabilities. They will not have faith in themselves. Instead say they he is really working hard, and I have faith in my child. Compliment when they are listening but watching.
2. Never talk about past failures
EFFECT- Will have faith in changing their future.
a. Most children work hard during exams because they that these exams are important. They buck up and work harder on their grades. Instead, tell them that you have faith in what they are going to do and achieve in this exam. You need to boost their ego and appreciate their efforts. Talk about things they have done well in the past.
3. Never discuss how was the exam paper.
EFFECT- Eases the mind and puts less pressure on the next exams.
a. What’s done cannot be undone what is written cannot be changed. This could pull down the child and make him get more worried about how the next paper will go. Reduce fear and inculcate happiness.
To know how to be happy you can check my article on the Happiness Dose.
4. Never Demotivate
EFFECT: It will make them believe in themselves that they can change things if they put their mind to it
a. Motivation can even make a lame man walk but if you keep telling your child he/she is useless, fit for nothing, dumb, stupid, looser, irresponsible, or a failure because you are putting thoughts of failure in your child. You are manifesting your thoughts. You are pushing your child to not achieve. Reverse psychology does not work and may backfire. It leads to self-doubt. Motivation is the only way forward for success.
5. Never be away.
EFFECT: They know you will be there with them and they can always count on you for anything
a. At least one parent should be there with the child during exams to make sure everything is going well. In case of an emergency, you are there for the child. Be there so they know that if they need any help, you are easily available and that they mean the world to you during this time. Your work, your social life, and your work should take a break. Being there for them will help build a trusting relationship. Teens like to show they are independent but deep down they need you no matter what, so be there for them. Do not make it look like a forced sacrifice or make them feel guilty that you are there for them. It will not serve the purpose. Be genuinely for them.
It is the simple things we do for our children that make them know that we love them. Be there for them because they need you always. Love them unconditionally. Let them know they are important and special. Treat them with love and affection because exams are difficult times for them, so you must go easy on them.
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Manish Sharmaa DEEP Parenting Sandhya Lal Parental Coach Maadhyam
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Lets support our kid’s to know their resources!

Know your resources.

My whole life I was busy checking everything I didn’t have! everything that was missing from my life to be successful! everything God did not give me! How everyone was being unfair to me! How everyone else should be so that I could achieve everything in my life what I deserve!

Trust me nothing worked! nobody changed! the world remains the same, people in my life are being themselves, then what is going wrong?

The moment I shifted my belief from what I don’t have, to what I do have. I started acknowledging my resources, I started focusing on taking steps and getting things done for me with courage and responsibility.

Start counting your resources to maximize them and double the skills, our resources are always present with us, it takes a positive mind to acknowledge them and use them for our situations.

But the big question arises, how can I make my children see their resources, make them feel strong in what they have?

I traveled all the way back to my childhood to check what was stopping me from acknowledging what I was blessed with! the answer I got was not surprising! it was a rapidly changing world that demands all of us to keep running at full speed to catch up with what is trendy, that made all of us run after everything that we don’t have. I saw people setting their dreams or goals in life according to the latest trends. We can never be aware of our real needs and form a goal if we don’t see what resources we have, we can never plan our next conscious step towards betterment.

  • Pause and say thank you:

I decided to pause and ask my children to pause with me to say thank you to everything around us, thank you for lifting my garbage, thank you for dropping me to school, thank you for staying awake the whole night and giving us a safe night sleep, thank you for coming to school for teaching us, thank you God for everything.

  • Avoid comparison:

I focus on my children’s capacity they are so different from each other and need different sets of support to reach to their full potential. Comparison can break their real capacity and might throw them into anxiety and depression. Life is full of opportunity only if we don’t waste it by chasing what others have.

  • Introduce limits and boundaries:

My constant providing will make my children dependent whether it is my love, kindness, or any materialistic things, by introducing limits and boundaries in my family I can put conscious stimulus for all the members to respect each other’s individuality and know the limits for community living with peace and harmony.

  • Invite co-operation:

I always thought that no one could do the work as I could and I never invited any co-operation, my personality played a big role in it, ended up losing my resources and left them unused. I shifted my belief and started acknowledging my resources and using them in full to be the best resource for my loved ones. Now I am teaching my children to observe everything from a positive frame of mind, to find an opportunity in every situation.

  • Practice forgiveness:

Level of my empathy increases with number of mistakes I do; my mistakes always remind me of being human and allowing other human beings to be wrong in their own way.  I teach my children to forgive others to move forward and keep taking steps. When we forgive others and be empathetic it helps us in staying committed towards our goal.


“Let’s Support our children in acknowledging  their resources to feel strong and use it for their betterment”.



Raising kids in a joint family can be a great way to provide them with a strong support system and a sense of community. However, it can also be challenging, as there are often more people involved in decision-making and discipline. Here are some tips for raising kids in a joint family:

  • Communicate with your extended family. It’s important to communicate with your extended family about your parenting goals and expectations. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that your child is getting the consistent messages they need.
  • Set clear boundaries. It’s important to set clear boundaries with your extended family, especially when it comes to discipline. Let them know what you are comfortable with and what you are not.
  • Be respectful of your extended family’s opinions. Even if you don’t agree with everything they say, it’s important to be respectful of their opinions. This will help to create a more positive and harmonious environment for your child.
  • Be grateful for the support. Raising kids in a joint family can be a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of support. Be grateful for the help that your extended family provides and let them know how much you appreciate it.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Involve your extended family in your child’s life. This could include taking them on outings, spending time with them at home, or asking them to help with childcare.
  • Encourage your child to spend time with their grandparents and other extended family members. This will help them to build strong relationships with their elders and learn about their family history.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of respecting their elders. This will help them to understand the value of family and tradition.
  • Be patient and understanding. Raising kids in a joint family can be challenging, but it’s also a rewarding experience. Be patient with your child and your extended family, and remember that everyone is doing their best.

Here are some specific challenges that you may face when raising kids in a joint family:

  • Differing parenting styles. It’s common for extended family members to have different parenting styles than you do. This can be a challenge, as you may not agree with how they are raising your child. It’s important to communicate with your extended family about your parenting goals and expectations, and to set clear boundaries.
  • Lack of privacy. Living in a joint family can mean that you have less privacy than you would if you lived in a nuclear family. This can be a challenge, especially when it comes to raising teenagers. It’s important to find ways to give your child some privacy, even if it’s just a few minutes each day.
  • Feeling overwhelmed. Raising kids in a joint family can be a lot of work. It’s important to ask for help from your extended family when you need it. Don’t be afraid to say no if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  • Despite the challenges, raising kids in a joint family can be a rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can create a positive and supportive environment for your child.



     Parenting coach 

What is true? Finding yourself or Creating Yourself

According to me Life is a journey. In this journey, everything we go through is a process. Finding yourself and creating yourself is a process. Both are interlinked and connected.

Finding yourself means knowing about yourself or in other words self-discovery. Understand who you are. Because when you are in mother’s womb, you get the genes from your parents. You adapt some of their qualities, looks, nature, etc. That’s why you resemble your family members in looks and behaviour. So, it’s not completely in your control.

Finding yourself helps us to understand better about your nature and character, who you are. But when you look at yourselves, you always want to be someone else. We have been said that finding yourself is very important. When you think about your life, you understand what you want to be. In the process of doing so, you realise that it is actually not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself.

Creating yourself means working on self to become the person whom you want to be. Finding yourself means you already exist. You are already someone and you just need to search. Once found the journey comes to end.

Creating yourself is not at all easy. It’s a continuous process. You need to come out of the comfort zone and push yourself hard. There is no end to this process. Even when you become the person you want to be, you still need to practice every day. Otherwise, you come back to your comfort zone and becomes difficult to come out of it.

It is not an easy task. There are lot of things involved. Like where do you start from and where you want to reach. In simple words, it needs a lot of planning, set our goals. For e.g. when we want to go on a vacation, first we decide our destination and then how to reach and when to reach. What mode of transport we need to take and even after so much of planning and preparation sometimes we face lot of challenges during the journey.

Creating yourself is exactly the same. You decide the destination what you want to become. Then you need to plan from where you want to start and how. Remember the journey might not be easy. There will be lot of challenges. Both external and internal. First, you need to set the mindset and you need to overcome all the hurdles on your mind. This will give you strength to overcome the external challenges too.

When we reach our destination, our whole life transforms. When I say transform means there is a shift from within. Just like when you sow a seed, the process starts from within. It doesn’t become a plant or a tree next day. It is a time taking process. You keep watering it every day.  It might not be visible outside. Does that mean that you stop watering it every day? No because you don’t know exactly how much time it will take. Suddenly one day you find small leaves comes out. And for a plant to become a tree, takes years and years of time.



Similarly, transformation is a process. It happens within yourself. And slowly the impact is reflected outside. It is an inch-by-inch process within. It might take time to reflect outside. This doesn’t mean that you stop working on yourself. You need to be continuously in this process of creating yourself. You need to be patient with yourself, give yourself enough time to grow within and become the person whom you always wanted to be. And once we become that person, journey never stops there. You need to keep on yourself working every day and every time. This is the most creative thing in your life – “Creating Yourself”.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Benard Shaw.




Do you want to be a millionaire parent?

The Millionaire YOU

Millionaire #mindset for kids.

All of us are born with this gift. Just go back in your early magical years, almost all in 0-5 years, we lived in abundance and not in lack.

In full confidence and not in doubt. Crawl, walk, brush, play and everything.

Let us celebrate life with the child like spirit. Your brain knows the secret. Let us relive to grow, to love, to connect, to feel more amazing and awesome.

Happy nurturing self and your child.

3H formula always works.


Heart and


Head is to explain logic, facts, figures, IQ is developed and report card is amazing.

Heart is to nurture values. Child learns values are much more important than valuables. EQ is more important than IQ. IQ makes one an executive, EQ makes one a manager and a leader.

Hands are for life skills, home skills, hand on skills going beyond knowledge and IQ.

Get set go with 3H. IQ and EQ. See you in the next blog on AQ, CQ and SQ. Be a smillanaire by being a Smiling Parent.


Guideline Before Looking for an Elementary School for Your Child

Guideline before looking for an elementary school for your child:-


That moment you heard of news that you are going to be a parent you feel blessed and happy but with a child, comes a lots of thing and one from that is responsibility. “The child future” and you start making plans for your child you look for a good insurance, you thought of child higher education, you thought of what child would become in future, and you also thought of which school he or she will go.

But before that when the child turn into 1.5 month or a 2 year a parent should start thinking of their elementary school. Elementary school plays a vital role for the child growth and development. It really important to know what you want for your child and I am here to share few points with you which you need to keep in your mind before searching for elementary school for your child.

  1. The Management: – It is really important to know who is running the school. The owner of the school itself running the school or the third party is involved in it. If the owner itself handling the school, nothing great than this. Background, education and the experience in the field of education of a director need to b keep in mind.
  2. Reputation of the school. Feedback creates the reputation of the school. So check or collect the feedback of the school from the Ex-parents and from the Social media like Google, School Facebook page. It will help you to take wise decision for your child.
  3. Meet the teachers in the school and let your child to interact with a teacher. The interaction between the teacher and a child the way she greet and treat your child will help you to access the school environment and the teaching staff.
  4. Play Area. Play area with swings, jungle gym etc. is must for your child and it should be an essential part of a school which you are looking for. Play area help your child to grow physically. It develop flexibility, speed, balance and leadership quality in a child.
  5. Ambience. The school and the classes should be colourful. It is a basic introduction of studies for a child. Bright colours attract the child attention and bring positivity in your child. Colours leave an impression in your child mind and make them more creative and imaginative. The classes should be airy and filled with sunlight.
  6. Children to teacher ratio. It is a significant aspect for your child to be perceptible in a class. Children teacher ratio shouldn’t be more than 15:1. Teacher attention at this age is much needed. This ratio is necessary for the overall development of your child to take care off.
  7. Safety and security. Again sending your child first time away from yourself whether it is for a moment or for hours it took your soul and for this safety and security is really a matter of concern. The investment made by school in safety and care of the children by CCTV, security and housekeeping staff make your decision easier.

Brands doesn’t matter, do not send your little bud into this competitive world at an early age. It is a time for your child to develop themselves physically, emotionally and socially, so set them free.

These are the points will help you to take right decision at a right time.


Vaishali Thapa

Parenting Coach